In memoriam ΙΙ - Stamos Theodoros

Stamos Theodoros (1922 - 1997)

In memoriam ΙΙ, 1955

Oil on canvas, 182 x 126 cm

Donated by the artist

Inv. Number Π.4782

Greek-American painter Theodoros Stamos was one of the most acclaimed and active founders of the New York School of Abstract Expressionism. His development was similar to that of the other members of the group; he began with compositions of biomorphic elements to arrive at large fields of color.
In a space that vibrates in airy dialogue between complementary hues of ochre and lilac, Stamos places a powerful form resembling an empty armchair. Perhaps by doing so he wished to evoke the idea of absence as indicated by the title (In Memoriam). The strong blue-black of this form, which is extended diagonally by the projection of a dark shadow, imbues a glow to the neighboring golden ochre tones. The vague curvilinear decorative shapes surrounding the central theme and the gestural brushwork are reminders of Stamos’ association with Taoism and art.
